CEOs Using Twitter: Zappos CEO Gives Cogent Argument For Company Use of Twitter

Looks like someone in the corporate space truly understands the value of two-way communication and direct, uncluttered and unfiltered messaging. Great post from the Zappos CEO about how he uses Twitter to get traction with the values embodied by his company. You can read the full post here:

Here’s a snippet:

“I’ve talked a lot in the past about how we’ve used Twitter at Zappos for building more personal connections with both our employees and our customers. In fact, we recently debuted on FORTUNE MAGAZINE’s annual “100 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR” list, and they began and ended the article talking about our use of Twitter to build more personal connections with people. That in itself is its own reward that has both personal and business benefits, but for this blog post, I wanted to share my stories and thoughts on how Twitter has helped me grow personally.

For me, it comes down to these 4 things:

Transparency & Values: Twitter constantly reminds me of who I want to be, and what I want Zappos to stand for
Reframing Reality: Twitter encourages me to search for ways to view reality in a funnier and/or more positive way
Helping Others: Twitter makes me think about how to make a positive impact on other people’s lives
Gratitude: Twitter helps me notice and appreciate the little things in life”

Thoughts? Agree, disagree?

In Category: Executive Communication, Social Media

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